Christmas Text Styles & Gradients for Photoshop

Christmas Text Styles & Gradients for Photoshop

03/12/2018 0 By Carol

This freebie started off being just a set of Christmas text styles. But I needed some backgrounds for the examples, so created a set of Christmas gradients which is also included in the .zip file.

Christmas Text Styles & Gradients

Christmas Styles bring the feel of the season through typography. Wonderful header effects can be achieved, and of course, you can change the adjustment layers to your own requirements.

Christmas Styles Examples

In these examples I show the styles in use, and some of them use the Christmas gradients which I included in the download. Others use my Christmas Patterns for the background.

Christmas Styles 1

Christmas Styles 2

Christmas Styles 3

Christmas Styles 4

Christmas Styles 5

Christmas Styles 6

Christmas Styles 7

Christmas Styles 8

Christmas Styles 9

Christmas Styles 10

Christmas Styles 11

Christmas Styles 12